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How to Increase Libido While Breastfeeding

Early motherhood is filled with thrills as you build a bond with your child and watch them become familiar with the world around them. One of the most important aspects of connecting with your little one is breastfeeding. It’s a truly magical experience for all new moms.

However, it can also take a toll on your own livelihood. The physical and emotional demands can be a lot, and that’s not to mention the hormonal impact of breastfeeding. It’s no wonder low libido while breastfeeding is so common.

Does breastfeeding affect libido permanently, though, or will this pass once you move your baby over to a bottle? Can you take libido pills while breastfeeding, or do you need to resort to natural ways to increase libido while breastfeeding?

We know being a new parent is stressful and uncertain, but we’re here to help. Our guide to breastfeeding and libido is going to cover everything you need to know, including how to increase libido while breastfeeding. Let’s start by dissecting the role of libido itself. 

Overview of Libido

So, what is libido? This is a fancy way to talk about your sex drive - but as you’ll soon discover, it’s so much more than just your appetite for sex. It’s about connection, self-confidence, and overall health.

In fact, many look at a healthy libido as a barometer of health. A strong sex drive speaks to a balance in hormones, emotional stability, and satisfaction in relationships.

Libido is influenced by a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. For women specifically, it’s tied closely to hormonal fluctuations, including estrogen, testosterone, and oxytocin. 

Men, on the other hand, rely on testosterone. Make no mistake, though. Despite those walls they put up, guys too can have their libido impacted by emotional health and stress. But since you came here to learn about breastfeeding and libido, we’re going to keep our conversation focused on the ladies.

Ideally, your libido would thrive throughout your entire life - but that’s never the case. It can ebb and flow as life itself changes. There are few changes quite as jarring as bringing new life into this world. So, does breastfeeding affect libido?

Does Breastfeeding Affect Libido?

The link between breastfeeding and libido is a funny thing - you got into this situation because you had sex. Now, you don’t have any interest in sex. Even if you want to, your body doesn’t seem to be on the same page with your emotions.

What gives?! Why does breastfeeding affect libido so harshly? There are a few moving pieces.

The Hormonal Impact of Breastfeeding on Libido

The primary link between breastfeeding and libido is hormonal changes. Prolactin in particular plays a role here. It’s the hormone responsible for milk production - unfortunately, one of the adverse effects it has is suppressing estrogen and testosterone levels.

This leads to a sea of issues for sexual wellness. First and foremost, lower estrogen can lead to vaginal dryness and discomfort during intimacy. This is why even if you still feel like you want to have sex, it’s uncomfortable, painful, or downright impossible. 

Meanwhile, the reduction in testosterone can take a toll on your sex drive more directly - leaving you disinterested in sex. Given the effects of lack of physical intimacy in a relationship, it’s cause for concern.

Sure, the release of oxytocin (the bonding hormone) during nursing brings you closer to your child, and vice versa - but it may strain your relationship. 

Your body is prioritizing nurturing your baby over reproduction, which is an evolutionary mechanism. It makes sense when you think about it, but the logic doesn’t make it any less frustrating. Hormones aren’t the only cause for low libido while breastfeeding, either…

Emotional and Physical Demands of Breastfeeding

We probably don’t have to remind you how physically demanding breastfeeding can be. New parents often experience exhaustion, sleep deprivation, and stress - all libido killers

Add to this the mental load of caring for a baby, and it’s no surprise that sex can fall to the bottom of the priority list. That’s not to mention the physical changes like engorged breasts or discomfort during nursing. The idea of being intimate isn’t quite so appealing. 

For many, the idea of being touched - after a day full of feedings and cuddles - can feel overwhelming rather than inviting. This begs the question, does breastfeeding affect libido permanently?

Is Low Libido While Breastfeeding Temporary?

Take a deep breath and relax - your libido will likely return to normal as you transition out of the breastfeeding stage and get your baby on a bottle.

Most parents find that libido woes start subsiding in correlation with a reduction in nighttime feedings. This is because you (and your partner, for that matter) will get better sleep and more time together.

That being said, some mothers find that libido doesn’t return after the breastfeeding period ceases. This could suggest that it was something else causing libido problems - stress, relationship dynamics, or some underlying health issues.

Can You Take Libido Pills While Breastfeeding?

Even knowing it’s a temporary hit to your sex life doesn’t make it any easier to stomach. So, can you take libido pills while breastfeeding - or will you need to resort to natural ways to increase libido while breastfeeding?

Funny enough, we wrote a similar guide for moms who are expecting - can i take libido pills while pregnant? There, we made it clear that it’s probably for the best to avoid them while growing a new life inside you.

Similarly, we suggest staying away from any sort of supplements geared towards increasing your libido while you’re breastfeeding. The reason is simple - your baby is going to consume everything you do. It’s why you need to avoid alcohol while breastfeeding, too.

Now, we do want to mention that it’s not like libido pills are known for producing harmful effects in breastfeeding women or their children. On the contrary - we just don’t know with 100% certainty that they WON’T cause problems. 

Most libido pills, whether natural or pharmaceutical, have not been extensively studied for safety during breastfeeding, which means there’s often more risk than reward.

Unfortunately, this applies to Tabs chocolate for women as well. Can you eat sex chocolate while pregnant, or breastfeeding for that matter? It’s probably best to not. The stakes are too high when you’re nurturing your little one.

That doesn’t mean you have to continue to deal with low libido while breastfeeding, though. You just need to take a more natural approach. So, let’s walk you through how to increase libido while breastfeeding below.

How to Increase Libido While Breastfeeding Naturally

There are plenty of natural ways to increase libido while breastfeeding. Some of them are as simple as reconnecting with your partner, eating better foods, and managing your stress and fatigue. 

Above all else, though, you need to start caring for yourself the same way you’re caring for everyone else in your family, including your child and spouse.

Self-Care Should Always Come First

We once heard that you can’t pour from an empty cup, and boy, did we feel that. Motherhood in general is all about giving up yourself in favor of your child. But how can you give yourself if there’s nothing left to give?

Self-care might sound cliché, but it’s the foundation of a healthy libido. Taking even 15 minutes a day to focus on yourself can work wonders. 

Whether it’s a quiet bath, meditation, reading a book, or simply sitting in silence, carving out time to recharge can help you reconnect with yourself and your desires.

A word of advice: don’t feel guilty for asking your partner, family, or friends for help. The mental load of motherhood is all too real. Delegating tasks can free up emotional space for intimacy.

Oh - and when we talk about self-care, that means getting to know yourself sexually again, too. Masturbation can be a great way to re-ignite a dormant libido. From there, you can start slowly but surely opening up to intimacy with your partner. 

Rebuilding Emotional and Physical Connection With Your Partner

Breastfeeding can sometimes create a dynamic where you feel “touched out” by the end of the day. Despite your partner’s best intentions, having them come into bed and try to cuddle you can be really offputting.

So, start by addressing intimacy-related issues from an emotional perspective. It’s definitely uncomfortable talking to your partner about intimacy problems, but it’s necessary. Tell them about the way you feel and the toll it’s taking - chances are, they’re feeling the same thing.

From there you can start to rekindle that emotional connection. Share your thoughts, laugh together, and enjoy moments of closeness without the pressure to be physical.

Slowly work your way up with non-sexual touch. This can be anything from hand-holding to cuddling, or better yet, make your partner give you a massage! Before you know it you’ll be craving your partner’s touch once more. 

Our blog has more resources on physical vs emotional intimacy, how to bring back intimacy in a marriage, and how to deal with a partner with low libido.

Addressing Vaginal Dryness and Physical Discomfort

We mentioned earlier that part of what causes low libido while breastfeeding is the physical inability to have comfortable sex - let alone pleasurable sex. The lower estrogen levels lead to vaginal dryness - another cause for breastfeeding and libido problems.

As normal as it may be, it’s frustrating beyond belief. This is the female equivalent of erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. Fortunately, you have a bit more control over the issue than guys do over theirs.

Lubricants or moisturizers designed for vaginal use can make intimacy more comfortable. Look for water-based, hormone-free options that are safe for postpartum use.

If dryness persists, you might need to talk to your healthcare provider about vaginal estrogen creams. These are often safe for breastfeeding mothers and can work wonders.

Managing Stress and Fatigue

Stress and exhaustion are libido killers for anyone, but they hit extra hard when you’re a breastfeeding mom. High cortisol levels can suppress your sex drive, and being constantly tired leaves little room for anything but survival mode. Here are some ways to manage both:

  • Prioritize rest: Resist the urge to clean or catch up on tasks while your baby naps - join them and take a little siesta to catch up on lost sleep any chance you get.
  • Practice mindfulness: Simple breathing exercises or meditation can bring cortisol levels down and recharge your mind. Take this a step further with meditation.
  • Delegate and simplify: Let go of non-essential tasks. It’s okay if the laundry piles up or dinner isn’t homemade every night. 

Remember, intimacy doesn’t have to happen at night when you’re most tired. Mornings or afternoons might be better times to connect. In fact, these moments of spontaneous intimacy can be more charged than any other!

Eating a Libido-Friendly Diet

It’s no secret that what you eat impacts your libido. But it also affects your child now that you’re breastfeeding, which can complicate things. Don’t sweat it. Here are some of the most powerful libido-boosting foods and nutrients:

  • Healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and seeds all support hormone production.
  • Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids to boost circulation and promote relaxation.
  • Lean proteins to sustain energy throughout the day.
  • Leafy greens packed with magnesium can reduce stress and improve circulation.
  • Hydration: Dehydration causes fatigue and irritability, so drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Explore the best vitamins for female libido or the top herbs for female libido in our blog. If dad is struggling as well, we also have a guide to the best libido booster for men.

Incorporating Exercise

It’s hard to get moving when you’re exhausted, but it’s one of the most natural ways to increase libido while breastfeeding. So, how does exercise increase libido? There are actually a few different ways. It releases endorphins, boosts blood flow, and helps regulate hormones.

You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or run a mile around the block, either. Small, baby steps can make a massive difference. Here are some things to try:

  • Go for a stroller walk with your baby.
  • Try postpartum yoga or Pilates to strengthen your body and improve flexibility.
  • If you’re ready for more, short strength-training sessions can help rebuild muscle tone and confidence.

This is one of the most important pieces of advice in our guide on how to increase libido while breastfeeding, so don’t take it lightly. 

Trying Natural Aphrodisiacs

There’s one final piece of advice we want to share in this guide on how to increase libido while breastfeeding - trying aphrodisiacs.

We want to be really careful here, as not all aphrodisiacs are safe for breastfeeding women and their babies. However, many can be incorporated into your routine in moderation without risk of adverse effects. 

So, what is the most powerful aphrodisiac? Here are a few you can ask your doctor about if you’re struggling with breastfeeding and libido:

  • Maca root: Known for balancing hormones and enhancing desire.
  • Fenugreek: Often used to support milk production but also linked to increased sexual arousal.
  • Dark chocolate: As mentioned earlier, flavonoids promote relaxation and improve circulation. When it comes to what kind of chocolate is an aphrodisiac, the darker, the better.
  • Avocados: High in healthy fats and vitamins that support overall health and hormone function.

If you want to harness the dark chocolate benefits sexually, you’re in luck. Our break bite bang chocolate is just a few clicks away. So, what is sex chocolate and how does Tabs chocolate work?

We’ve combined cocoa, maca root, epimedium (horny goat weed), and kanna to create the ultimate synergy, which primes your body and mind for the most fulfilling intimacy imaginable. The best part is the squares break perfectly in half so you and your partner can each enjoy one.

We just ask that you first confirm with your healthcare provider that the Tabs chocolate ingredients won’t pose a problem. There are no sex chocolate side effects in healthy individuals, but the jury is still out for breastfeeding moms.

Before trying sex chocolate, learn more about it:

If nothing else, order the best aphrodisiac chocolate today so that when you’re finished with the breastfeeding phase, you and your partner can celebrate with something special. Shop today as we wrap up our guide on breastfeeding and libido.

Final Thoughts on Low Libido While Breastfeeding

That does it for our guide on how to increase libido while breastfeeding. While the hormonal changes coupled with physical and emotional demands of breastfeeding can take a toll on your sex drive, it’s only temporary.

In the meantime, there are plenty of natural ways to increase libido while breastfeeding. Apply our advice from this guide on breastfeeding and libido and rekindle the flame with your partner. You’ll both be better off.

Our blog has similar resources on topics like natural ways to increase libido while on birth control, supplements to increase libido while on antidepressants, chocolate that makes you hard, the Tabs chocolate price, the importance of physical intimacy, and more. 

Otherwise, the only thing left to do today is treat yourself and your other half to Tabs sex chocolate - either for enjoyment now with your doctor’s approval, or for once the breastfeeding phase has come to an end. Enjoy the most delicious way to boost sexual desire and pleasure!